Monday, September 1, 2008

Back to School

Sarah started kindergarten this fall. She is very excited to be going to 'big' school. Each week she has five new sight words to learn and spell. At the moment, she is very excited about learning to read. Hopefully, this will last!!

At this time of the year when schools are starting back, I am reminded of the time I started college. I met Lee the day before classes started at a BSU freshman survivor bash. That was 15 years ago this August!! Wow how time flies! Who would have thought that after 10 years of marriage and two kids later, we would be in medical school!! God is good.


Anonymous said...

Your blog looks great! Keep up the good work. Your right, I can't tell who is happier Lee or the kids. Tell Sarah Aunt Robin said congrats on starting school and keep working hard on those words! Give Ben a big hug and tell him he is as pretty as his sister, yes Lee pretty! He will become handsome but now he is pretty!
Keep blogging but don't stress yourself out trying to keep up. You carry a big load as it is!
Love and miss you guys more then words can tell!!!!


Jessica said...

I love the 'big' school pics!! Sarah is probably loooving it!! And Ben looks so great!! He is getting sooo big!! And I really do not know who would be more excited...I just remember how often Sarah would always be talking about daddy! :)